Tonight I was watching “Dancing with the stars” and in between they bin showing the incoming voting results.So I felt I was in two different worlds.What they had both in common was “who will be the winner!”.But as I was watching the finale speech of the candidate I recognized the big difference.The dancers had to work hard and make effort to bring the best out them self to get votes for they performance .The politicians depended on they promise to the public and they are always big .Now from here the question is will they keep that promise??My wish and hope is that this politician wake up,open they heart and recognize that people’s dreams bin put in them and see that they bin chosen by promising to make a difference!Let us stop thinking one is better then other that is never giving as any solution let work on who will get the JOB done as they sad they will do so we can have WIN-WIN for all of us….lets make a difference.
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Please note: This blog provides general information, thoughts, and opinions and are solely of the author. They are the result of personal growth and development. It is not intended to give any advice or any diagnosis, and for that reason, NO responsibility can be accepted by the blog author for any damage resulting by misuse of information or products. When dealing with any condition or diagnosis please first consult and seek help from PROFESSIONALS and Doctors. Thank you!
Coaching with Magdalena and additional packages. (Click on the first line to see options)
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