2 Days Seminar in Tampa FL
*Extension of a Person Identity to Eternity*
May 23-24.2015
With Yelena Loginova from Boston , Licensed teacher in the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi in USA. Join us for this New Knowledge that opens doors to access cosmic consciousness and acute levels of human awareness necessary to the Rescue and Eternal Harmonious Development .” Teaching about Eternal and Harmonious Development ,of the Inner and Outer World”.
We all have the ability to tap into our power and create a amazing eternal life’s filled with abundance ,peace and bliss.It is not easy to control everything ,but we can choose our reactions and our perceptions, which change our realities. Fortunately our negative thoughts can be changed at any time .
Toxic thoughts and emotions also create blokages within the energetic body,which manifest as disease. To remove any illness, we must forgive ourselves ,our past and the people in it . When you love yourself unconditionally everything in your life works. You are eternal spiritual being with infinite potential and power.
Are you looking for a real Transformation using your own consciousness??..
Are you open to discover a new way of Being ??….more info check out the flyer.
Price : Individuals $ 195.00 Couples $ 340.00 for 2 Days
Register before April 30 .2015 ; Individual $176.00 & Couples $306.00
TampaMay23-24Seminar (1) Event Info and register with check or money order here, bellow register with Pay Pal. Thank you!