So how do you feel in general this day? Many would not know what is this question about. If you are sensitive or working with your own journey and follow the energy, what is going on daily you will know what I am talking about.
We had recently 6 planets retrograde and this brought huge energy fluctuations. Being challenged on so many levels sometimes is hard to keep cool and everything under control. Even do keeping under control can mean so many things. I don’t talk about controlling the situation but to keep our self in focus and not sleep back into the glitch of the situation. To do that we have to practice over and over again til we can just stop and re-focus automatically, as it becomes our second nature.
I decided to write this article because there is so much stuff going on and is becoming quite confusing about so many things. especially what is right and what is wrong, what system is good which one will get you. I am including myself here since I am trying to figure out as so many of you so I am on the journey also. Did I got cut in many hoops and loops ? yes…and still searching to understand the bigger aspect what is happening here. In the past when I thought I got a grip on something, bang new info popped up that canceled everything out and I brought me to square one again. After going trough this rollercoaster too many times I started to get glimpses that when this kind of flux happen I am dealing with many aspects of myself and realities. That started to make much more sense and getting less confusing. Every reality plays by its own rules and I could observe the difference. What if we call them just different programs and systems we live in it. Did you ever notice that you can be daily in so many different aspects of yourself that you are even not noticing ? The energies are constantly changing and so does our respond to inside and outside changes. ‘
Recently I had my guest on my radio show and we been talking about what if we would have no names for conditions ,what if ? this is only an incorrect information in the information field? and we could correct the information? What if you can? By becoming aware of the beliefs, patterns, cycles you can stop the looping and rewrite your reality. But
What if you can? By becoming aware of the beliefs, patterns, cycles you can stop the looping and rewrite your reality. But first, you have to find the firewall that is hidden in your thinking /program that is stopping you/cancels out this information of the possibility and many others.
I found that Uranus in Aries is showing us enormous opportunities to create a new way of think and to free our mind from old programming since Uranus is a rebel and wants the breakthrough.
So how can we go beyond the firewall of our mind???
Dive into something new even do is so frightening.